Friday 16 September 2016

Post 1

Oh herro....

Today I randomly stumbled over two old blogs that I used to write and took myself on a little walk down memory lane.  It's funny because looking back I think to myself, "oh, I was so slim and healthy looking" or "I was so much happier" but then I read back and see that I still am working on feeling worthy, self confident, and content.  Hey, I'm still a fucking mess!  But I'm also here, and still me; and have to believe that every year, experience, moment, tear, and laugh take me one step closer to figuring out who I am and what I'm working towards.

My health struggles seemingly started ages ago but I can pinpoint that things got worse right around August of 2013, after my wedding.  I truly think that I pushed myself physically and mentally to look and feel a certain way, and while it worked, I've really been paying for that ever since.  I had a gall bladder attack and nothing has been the same since then... coincidence?

Over the past 4-5 weeks I've had another bump in the way of digestive troubles, fever, and dizziness.

I would like to document my next steps as I search for answers and have a spot that I can look back and see what I did and when.